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The University of British Columbia
Okanagan campus

Combustion for Propulsion and Power Laboratory
Ali right after his oral presentation at the international combustion symposium in Milan, Italy, July 2024.

Group dinner, Lake Country, April 2024. Say Goodbye to Sajjad, and celebrating Sepehr's successful PhD defense.

Liam Krebbers and Dr. Kheirkhah presenting at the APS-DFD, Indianapolis. November 2022.

Boat cruise, Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute, Kingston. May 2024.

Canadian Section of the Combustion Institute, Spring technical meeting, Edmonton. May 2023.

Leslie Saca defends her thesis. May 2022
Real sushi/Panjabi night in a Zoom meeting. May 2020.

Okanagan lake cruise, Combustion Institute Canadian Section meeting, Kelowna, Summer of 2019.
Group sushi night. September 2022

Laser arrow passing through the heart flame! April 2021.

Sushi and ice-cream night, Downtown Kelowna, Summer of 2019.

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