The University of British Columbia
Okanagan campus

Combustion for Propulsion and Power Laboratory
Journal Publications (CPPL members underlined)
J35. Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2025), “Spectral characteristic of a scalar-dissipation-rate-based turbulent burning velocity,” Physical Review Fluids, accepted.
J34. Nabilou H., Barrett M., Bichler L., Kirchen P., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Combustion characteristics of micron-size hydrochar particles,” Fuel, vol. 384, pp. 133857.
J33. Rostami A., Li R., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Three-dimensional clustering characteristics of large-stokes number dilute sprays interacting with turbulent swirling co-flows,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 999, A73.
J.32. Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2024) “Effects of combustion progress variable and Karlovitz number on the scalar dissipation rate of turbulent premixed hydrogen-enriched methane-air flames: An experimental study,” Combustion and Flame, vol. 269, pp. 113669.
J31. Rostami A., Mohammadnejad S., Li R., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Astigmatic interferometric particle imaging of reacting Jet A-1 sprays: Joint droplet and cluster characteristics,” Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 40, 105600.
J30. Krebbers L., Hawley S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Control device for improving swirl flame stabilization” Review of Scientific Instruments, vol. 94, pp. 125104.
J29. Krebbers L., Mohammadnejad S., Rostami A., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Relations between the number of spray droplets and chemiluminescence for Jet A-1 flames stabilized in a gas turbine model combustor” accepted Combustion and Flame, vol. 257, pp.113016.
J28. Rostami A., Li S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Separate and joint clustering characteristics of large Stokes number sprays subjected to turbulent co-flows”, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 968, A11.
J27. Jin W., Si F., Kheirkhah S., Yu C., Li H., Wang Y. (2023), “Numerical study on the effects of primary air ratio on ultra-low-load combustion characteristics of a 1050 MW coal-fired boiler considering high-temperature corrosion”, Applied Thermal Engineering, vol. 221, pp. 119811.
J26. Mohammadnejad S., Saca L., Kheirkhah S. (2022), “A new compact active turbulence generator for premixed combustion research: Non-reacting flow characteristics”, Physics of Fluids, vol. 34, pp. 105102.
J25. Mosadegh S., Kheirkhah S. (2022), “The role of atomization in coupling between the doped droplets dynamics and their flames”, Physics of Fluids, vol. 34, pp. 087109.
J24. Mosadegh S., Ghaffarkhah A., van der Kuur C., Arjmand M., Kheirkhah S. (2021), “Graphene oxide doped ethanol droplet combustion: Ignition delay and contribution of atomization to burning rate,” Combustion and Flame, 111748.
J23. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2021), “A revisit to the validity of flamelet assumptions in turbulent premixed combustion and implications for future research”, Combustion and Flame, vol. 231, pp. 111635.
J22. Mohammadnejad, S., An Q., Vena, P., Yun, S., and Kheirkhah, S. (2021). "Contributions of flame thickening and extinctions to a heat release rate marker of intensely turbulent premixed hydrogen-enriched methane-air flames", Combustion and Flame, vol. 231, 111481.
J21. Mohammadnejad, S., Saca, L., Heydarlaki, R., An, Q., Vena, P., Yun, S., Versailles, P., Bourque, G., and Kheirkhah, S. (2021). "Effect of fuel stratification on OH and CH2O PLIF multiplication of turbulent hydrogen-enriched flames", Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 1-39.
J20. Heydarlaki, R., Aitchison, W., Kostka, P., and Kheirkhah, S. (2021). "Competing contributions of structural, acoustic, and intrinsic modes to thermoacoustic oscillations", Combustion Science and Technology, 1-22.
J19. An, Q., Kheirkhah, S., Bergthorson, J., Yun, S., Hwang, J., Lee, W., Kim, M., Cho, J., Kim, H., Vena, P. (2021). "Flame stabilization mechanisms and shape transitions in a 3D printed, hydrogen enriched, methane/air low swirl burner", International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 46, 14764-14779.
J18. Mollahoseini, Z., Heydarlaki, R., Kostka, P., Aitchison, W., and Kheirkhah, S. (2021). "Flame development characteristics inside a reverse-flow combustor at early stages of combustion", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 121, 110254.
J17. Mohammadnejad, S., An, Q., Vena, P., Yun, S., and Kheirkhah, S. (2020). "Thick reaction zones in non-flamelet turbulent premixed combustion", Combustion and Flame, vol. 222, 285-304.
J16. Mohammadnejad, S., Vena, P., Yun, S., and Kheirkhah, S. (2019) "Internal structure of hydrogen-enriched methane-air turbulent premixed flames: Flamelet and non-flamelet behavior", Combustion and Flame, vol. 208, 139-157.
J15. Heydarlaki, R., Kostka, P., Aitchison, W., and Kheirkhah S. (2019) "Influences of initial and transient combustor wall-temperature on thermoacoustic oscillations of a small-scale power generator", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, vol. 109, 109856.
J14. Kheirkhah, S. and GüLder, Ö. L. (2019) "Comments on Tong et al.: "Experimental study on dynamics of confined low swirl partially premixed methane-hydrogen-air flame"", vol. 44, 17103-17104, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
J13. Kheirkhah, S. and GüLder, Ö. L. (2019) "A comment on papers by Zhou et al. (CNF, 2018) and Zhou et al. (CST, 2019): Flame displacement speed, flame front velocity, and edge (reactants) velocity", Combustion and Flame, vol. 205, 133-134.
J12. Bariki, C., Halter, F., Thiesset, F., Chauveau, C., Gӧkalp, I., Teav, K., Kheirkhah, S., and Steinberg, A. M. (2019) "Structural response of different Lewis number premixed flames interacting with a toroidal vortex", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 37, 1911-1918.
J11. Steinberg, A. M., Teav, K., Kheirkhah, S., Bariki, C., Thiesset, F., Chauveau, C., and Halter, F. (2019) "Auto-ignition of near-ambient H2/air mixtures during flame-vortex interaction", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 37, 2425-2432.
J10. Kheirkhah, S., Cirtwill, J. M., Saini, P., Venkatesan, K., and Steinberg, A. M. (2017) "Dynamics and mechanisms of pressure, heat release rate, and fuel spray coupling during intermittent thermoacoustic oscillations in a model aeronautical combustor at elevated pressure", Combustion and Flame, vol. 185, 319-334.
J9. Kheirkhah, S., Geraedts B. D., Saini, P., Venkatesan, K., and Steinberg, A. M. (2017) "Non-stationary local thermoacoustic phase relationships in a gas turbine combustor", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, vol. 36, 3873-3880.
J8. Kheirkhah, S., GüLder, Ö. L., Maurice, G., Halter, F., and Gӧkalp, I. (2016) "On periodic behavior of weakly turbulent premixed flame corrugations'', Combustion and Flame, vol. 168, 147-165.
J7. Kheirkhah, S., Yarusevych, S., and Narasimhan, S. (2015) "Wake topology of a cylinder undergoing vortex-induced vibrations with elliptic trajectories'', ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 138, 054501.
J6. Kheirkhah, S. and GüLder, Ö. L., (2015) "Consumption speed and burning velocity in counter-gradient and gradient diffusion regimes of turbulent premixed combustion'', Combustion and Flame, vol. 162, 1422-1439.
J5. Kheirkhah, S. and GüLder, Ö. L., (2014) "Topology and brush thickness of turbulent premixed V-shaped flames'', Journal of Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, vol. 93, 439-459.
J4. Kheirkhah, S. and GüLder, Ö. L., (2014) "Influence of edge velocity on flame front position and displacement speed in turbulent premixed combustion'', Combustion and Flame, vol. 161, 2614-2626.
J3. Kheirkhah, S. and GüLder, Ö. L., (2013) "Turbulent premixed combustion in V-shaped flames: Characteristics of flame front'', Physics of Fluids, vol. 25, 055107.
J2. Kheirkhah, S., Lourenco, R., Yarusevych, S., and Narasimhan, S. (2013) "Mitigation of vortex-induced vibrations of a pivoted circular cylinder using an adaptive pendulum tuned-mass damper'', ASME Journal of Fluids Engineering, vol. 135, 111106.
J1. Kheirkhah, S., Yarusevych, S., and Narasimhan, S. (2012) "Orbiting response in vortex-induced induced vibrations of a two-degree-of-freedom pivoted circular cylinder'', Journal of Fluids and Structures, vol. 28, 343-358.
Conference Publications/Presentations (CPPL members underlined)
C.45. Krebbers L., Jangra, V., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Effect of swirler-induced perturbations on the thermoacoustic source term,” American Physical Society-Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 23—26 November, Salt Lake City, United States.
C.44. Nabilou H., Barrett, M., Bichler, L., Kirchen, P., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Combustion characteristics of micron-sized wood-derived hydrochar particles,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kingston, Canada.
C.43. Krebbers L., Hawley, D., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Salient flow structures contribution to thermoacoustic source term during active actuation of swirler vanes,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kingston, Canada.
C.42 Rostami A., Mohammadnejad S., Li, R., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Three-dimensional clustering characteristics of reacting Jet A-1 spray stabilized inside a gas turbine model combustor,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kingston, Canada.
C41. Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2024), “Effect of large scale turbulence on the scalar dissipation rate of hydrogen-enriched methane-air premixed flames,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kingston, Canada.
C40. Fleger J., Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S., Ho J. Z., M. Talei (2023), “Acoustic investigation of open, swirled, turbulent, premixed, hydrogen-enriched methane/air flames,” Australian Combustion Symposium, 26—29 November, Darwin, Australia.
C39. Krebbers L., Mohammadnejad S., Rostami A., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Spatial and temporal relations of Jet A-1 spray flames excited by an injector instability,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 15—18 May, Edmonton, Canada.
C38. Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Experimental assessment of the scalar dissipation rate models for studying hydrogen-enriched methane-air turbulent premixed
flames”, Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 15—18 May, Edmonton, Canada.
C37. Mosadegh S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Lateral flame propagation in an array of atomizing fuel droplets”, Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 15—18 May, Edmonton, Canada.
C36. Rostami A., Li S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Joint droplet clustering and number density characteristics of sprays injected in turbulent co-flows”, Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 15—18 May, Edmonton, Canada.
C35. Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “Premixed flames subjected to actively generated turbulence: Flame structure and burning velocity,” AIAA SciTech, 23—27 January, National Harbor, Maryland, United States.
C34. Saca L., Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2023), “An active turbulence generator for turbulent combustion research and applications: Flow characteristics,” 12th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 23—26 January, Luxor, Egypt.
C33. Krebbers L., Mohammadnejad S., Kheirkhah S. (2022), “Effect of graphene-oxide on mitigation of thermoacoustic instabilities inside a dual hydrogen and jet A fueled gas turbine engine model combustor”, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 20—22 November, Indianapolis, United States.
C32. Rostami A., Li S., Kheirkhah S. (2022), “Droplets clustering characteristics in intense turbulence conditions”, American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 20—22 November, Indianapolis, United States.
C31. Saca L., Mohammadnejad S., Versailles P., Bourque G., Kheirkhah S. (2022), “Preheat and reaction zones thicknesses of stratified premixed flames generated by an industrial injector,” AIAA SciTech, 3—7 January, San Diego, California, United States.
C30. Mosadegh S., Shiraz A., van der Kuur C., Arjmand M., Kheirkhah S. (2021), “Burning dynamics of graphene oxide doped diesel droplets,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 21—23 November, Phoenix, United States. (Online conference).
C29. Mohammadnejad S., An Q., Vena P., Yun S., Kheirkhah S. (2020), “Broadening of reaction zones in turbulent lean methane-air premixed flames,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 22—24 November, Chicago, United States. (Online conference).
C28. Kheirkhah S., Mohammadnejad S., Saca L., Heydarlaki R., An Q., Vena P., Yun S., Versailles P., Bourque G. (2020), “Enhanced Integral Burning Rate of Turbulent Premixed Flames Through Stratification,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 22—24 November, Chicago, United States. (Online conference).
C27. An Q., Kheirkhah S., Bergthorson J., Yun S., Hwang J., Lee W., Kim M., Cho J., Kim H., Vena P. (2020), “Flame stabilization mechanisms in hydrogen enriched methane-air low-swirl flames,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 22—24 November, Chicago, United States. (Online conference).
C26. Mollahoseni Z., Heydarlaki R., Kostka P., Aitchison W., Kheirkhah S. (2020), “Dynamics of flame development at early stages of combustion inside a reverse-flow power generator model combustor,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 22—24 November, Chicago, United States. (Online conference).
C25. Sisodiya D., Morales J., Kheirkhah S., Brinkerhoff J. (2020), “Evaluation of entropy production in a vacuum objective supersonic ejector via unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulation,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 22—24 November, Chicago, United States. (Online conference).
C24. Morales J., Sisodiya D., Brinkerhoff J., Kheirkhah S. (2020), “Experimental analysis of diffuser terminal shock motion and associated acoustics in vacuum objective supersonic air ejectors,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 22—24 November, Chicago, United States. (Online conference).
C23. An Q., Yun S., Vena P., Kheirkhah S., Hwang J., Lee W., Kim M., Cho J., Kim H. (2020), “Flame shape transitions in a 3D printed, hydrogen enriched, methane/air, low swirl burner,” AIAA Joint Propulsion Conference, 24—26 August, New Orleans, Louisiana, United States.
C22. Mohammadnejad S., Vena P., Yun S., Kheirkhah S. (2019), “Towards quantifying the propensities of stable hydrogen-enriched methane-air turbulent premixed flames to blow-out and flash-back,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kelowna, Canada.
C21. Mohammadnejad S., Vena P., Yun S., Kheirkhah S. (2019), “Non-flamelet/flamelet behavior of pure and hydrogen-enriched methane-air turbulent premixed flames,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kelowna, Canada.
C20. Heydarlaki R., Aitchison W., Kostka P., Kheirkhah S. (2019), “Strouhal and Helmholtz numbers relations during non-stationary thermoacoustic oscillations of a small-scale power generator,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Kelowna, Canada.
C19. Kheirkhah S., Steinberg A. M., Bariki C., Thiesset F., Halter F. (2018), “Development of a mathematical model for estimation of flame stretch factor using phase-resolved Rayleigh scattering and chemiluminescence measurements during flame-vortex interactions,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 14—17 May, Toronto, Canada.
C18. Kheirkhah S., Cirtwill J. M., Saini, P., Venkatesan K., Steinberg A. M (2017), “Thermoacoustic Oscillations in an Aeronautical Gas Turbine Engine Combustor: Experiments and Underlying Coupling Mechanism,” Rocky Mountain Thermofluids Meeting, 21—24 August, Kelowna, Canada.
C17. Kheirkhah S., Cirtwill J. M., Saini, P., Venkatesan K., Steinberg A. M (2017), “Analysis of intermittent thermoacoustic oscillations in a liquid-fueled aeronautical gas turbine combustor at elevated pressure,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 15—18 May, Montreal, Canada.
C16. Cirtwill J. M., Saini P., Kheirkhah S., Venkatesan K., Steinberg A. M. (2017), “Analysis of intermittent thermoacoustic oscillations in an aeronautical gas turbine combustor,” 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 9—13 January, Grapevine, United States.
C15. Kheirkhah S., Saini P., Venkatesan K., Steinberg A. M. (2016), “Heat release rate and pressure phase differences inside an aeronautical gas turbine combustor,” Twenty-fourth International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, 21—26 August, Montreal, Canada.
C14. Kheirkhah S., Saini P., Cirtwil J. M., Richards W. S., Venkatesan K., Steinberg A. M (2016), “Wave-like behavior of cross-stream-integrated Rayleigh gain in thermoacoustic oscillations of an aeronautical gas turbine combustor,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 9—12 May, Waterloo, Canada.
C13. Kheirkhah S., Saini P., Cirtwil J. M., Richards W. S., Venkatesan K., Steinberg A. M (2016), “Re-triggering of thermoacoustic oscillations in an aeronautical gas turbine combustor,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 9—12 May, Waterloo, Canada.
C12. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L (2015), “Influence of flame configuration on turbulent burning velocity,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 11—14 May, Saskatoon, Canada.
C11. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L (2015), “Periodicity in corrugations of weakly turbulent premixed flames,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 11—14 May, Saskatoon, Canada.
C10. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2014), “Flame surface density in counter-gradient and gradient diffusion regimes of turbulent premixed combustion,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 12—15 May, Windsor, Canada.
C9. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2014), “Statistics of flame front curvature in turbulent premixed V-shaped flames,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 12—15 May, Windsor, Canada.
C8. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2014), “Local consumption speed of turbulent premixed V-shaped flames of methane-air,” Eleventh International Conference on Flow Dynamics, 8—10 October, Sendai, Japan.
C7. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2013), “Topology of turbulent premixed V-shaped flames,” Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8—13 September, Çeşme, Turkey.
C6. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2013), “Edge velocity and dynamics of turbulent premixed V-shaped flames,” Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8—13 September, Çeşme, Turkey.
C5. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2013), “Turbulent premixed combustion in V-shaped flames: front position and brush thickness,” Eighth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, 8—13 September, Çeşme, Turkey.
C4. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2013), “Turbulent premixed combustion in V-shaped flames: Front position and brush thickness,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Quebec City, Canada.
C3. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2013), “Topology of turbulent premixed V-shaped flames,” Combustion Institute/Canadian Section (CI/CS), 13—16 May, Quebec City, Canada.
C2. Kheirkhah S., Gülder Ö. L. (2012), “Turbulent premixed combustion in V-shaped flames: Statistics of flame front position,” American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), 18—20 November, San Diego, United States.
C1. Kheirkhah S., Yarusevych S. (2010), “Two-degree-of-freedom flow-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder with a high moment of inertia ratio,” ASME 3rd joint US-European Fluid Engineering Summer Meeting, 1—5 August, Montreal, Canada.